Monday, August 31, 2015

The One where the Smoke Clears!

Hey everyone!

So this was a slower week for us. We had a lot of things not happen that were supposed to so I might be jumping around from day to day.

Monday was good! We had P-Day activities which involved silly games and playing soccer with a big yoga ball! We then had dinner and then we did an FHE with the McHat***'s. We talked about the Holy Ghost with them and then we played SkipBo!

Tuesday we correlated with the old YSA ward mission leader and tried to figure out who we could try to go and see. We had lessons set up but everyone fell through. We tried contacting Kendra but she wasn't home. We waited on the doorstep for a minute or two (her car was out front so we thought she might've been home) and when we turned around this guy started asking us questions about why we were there haha! It was super funny! We also talked to a Jehovah's Witness lady and she tried using the Book of Mormon against us. It's the same lady that we talked with at the airport the week before! We had a super solid Book of Mormon class! Elder Taito and I taught about agency using Alma 30 and we watched the video depicting Alma teaching Korihor! It was super good!

Wednesday was filled with cancellations. We did a companionship study and training with the 6th Ward Elders before calling some people from the YSA Ward. Not a whole lot of them wanted to even talk to us on the phone! We were able to have a lesson with Sister Mo*** and that went really well. We were able to get in with a less active who is starting to come back. His wife (who is a member) is pretty against the Church but he still believes that it is true. It's tough on me to see someone who has had the truth start believing in lies and doubting the light that they had received. Other than that, we spent most of our day contacting people

Thursday we were supposed to do platform picking at the pear farm but the harvest wrapped up on Wednesday! We did weekly planning and tried contacting some people before going to lunch with Riley. He is such an awesome kid! I really hope that he can go on a mission! If I stay for another transfer, we will be doing a mini mission with him! It would be so awesome! We had a surprise lesson with Michelle! We were driving by and we saw her car at the Robert's house and so we stopped in and taught her about the Word of Wisdom! It was an awesome lesson despite it being kinda on the spot. The Spirit is really working in her life right now and it is pretty awesome to see the steps that she is taking right now to follow Jesus Christ!

Friday we had new missionary training in the morning and district meeting. We did a power hour over in the Medford 8th area but we didn't have any luck. We talked to one really nice lady but we had a ton of rejection. I then went on exchanges with Elder Poston. He has only been on his mission for 5 weeks but he is a super good missionary! We had a solid day planned but then as we got closer to each teaching appointment, they would cancel. We ended up contacting a couple of former investigators and had a lesson with an agnostic lady named Angelina. We had a super powerful lesson with her and she said she would study the Plan of Salvation pamphlet that we left her. We did an iPad inspection before pretty much OYMing to end the night. We were able to talk to a couple of people and give them some material but they really weren't interested in meeting with us. We still invited them so that is what counts!

Saturday morning we went to the church so I could delete some people off Facebook! We have more rules about who we can and cannot have on Facebook so I had to delete some people that added me or I added them! We exchanged back at lunch and then we took off with Sterling, the YSA ward mission leader, to Eagle Point for a baptism of a YSA aged kid. It was a good service and it had some awesome talks but there was like no one there! We then went over to the stake center and participate in the reception of a couple that Elder Taito worked with in Jacksonville. We took dinner and watched the Joseph Smith Restoration video during dinner. We then went to a baptism for the 8th Ward Elders. It was really good and the Spirit was really strong!

Sunday we had PEC in the morning before church. We had a couple of investigators there but Wade, Pearl, and Michelle were not able to make it. We talked a lot about Sabbath Day observance! It was good stuff. We shared a message about faith with the Peter's and committed them to come to the Book of Mormon class next week. We were also able to sit down and talk with Sherri about what is going on with her and we shared a message about how our faith can help us get through some of the harder times. We then contacted people with Riley and update our lessons to end the night.

That's all I got!

I love all of y'all! Thanks for all that you do! I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the whole church with the fullness of the Gospel and that the Book of Mormon is true! THERE IS NO DOUBT!

Elder Tonini

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