Hey everyone,
Monday was the great day known as P-Day. The Medford 4th Elders picked us up and took us to Walmart. Costco is right next to Walmart and Elder Kunz had a Costco card and so he introduced us to the Costco Polish dog and man it is one good hot dog! After we dropped our food off at our apartment and got changed, we headed over to the church and played some basketball. We came back to the apartment and cleaned for a little bit before going and tracting for a little bit. Brother Froe*** came and picked us up for dinner and we were able to talk to him about the work because he was a former ward mission leader so we got some good ideas from him. We tried to see some people at the end of the night but no one was around and sometimes people don't like us knocking on their doors at night haha!
Tuesday we found ourselves at the temple shoveling dirt out of a truck so we could get the dirt into a flower bed. We were able to make some papers for a FHE that we are going to start doing with the members at the family history center after we were done with the temple. We got back to the apartment and headed off on the bikes to the east side of our area. That is where we were pretty much all day long! We tried to see a ton of people that I don't think I can even mention on this email. We had a couple who didn't answer, were sick, didn't want us to come back, or they had moved. We had dinner over in that part of town so we headed over there and got there right on time. However, there was no one home... and no one was picking up our calls. So we ended up going to Taco Bell for dinner! It was super good haha! We stayed over in Central Point East and set up a couple of appointments, one with a kid named Braden. He was baptized last year and had moved soon after. For being 17, he had a magnificent beard. Other than that, we didn't really get to talk to anyone but we were able to know the area a little better so that was good.
Wednesday started off pretty well. Elder Ellsworth and I had a great study session and we had some great lessons planned out for our day. We were out and about in the morning and Jay H. drove by and told us that he was pumped to have us back over. An hour later, he had to cancel because something came up. Bummer. We had some time before our next lesson so we tried seeing some perspective elders and then we decided to go see a recent move-in named Brother Rei*** (pronounced like Ryder).It was pretty neat to talk to him about Preach My Gospel because he was one of the first groups of missionaries to use it the whole two years he was out. While we were talking about his mission, I noticed something with the Hess logo on it and I asked him about it. He takes it out and he showed us one of his Hess trucks that he collects! It was pretty sweet seeing that logo again haha! After Brother Rei***, we walked over to the church and got set up for our lesson with Angelo and Spencer. The lesson went really well. We had Brother Sta*** with us and the baby, who is adorable and all but is really noisy. He took the baby out of the room and it made the lesson so much better. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ along with some of the commandments. The Spirit was strong and Angelo had some great comments so that made the lesson pretty sweet. Brother Sta*** took us over to the 55 and over apartment complex and we waited for Brother Hoo***. While we were waiting, Jay P. came up to us and said that we were a go for our lesson on Thursday. After our guy's night out dinner with Brother Sta***, Brother Hoo***, and Brother Huef***, we set out and talked to some of the members about setting up FHE's with them and their families.
Thursday was ok haha. We were in the middle of our weekly planning when Jay H. texted us and told us he had to cancel on us again so that stunk. We decided to take that time and go see some prospective elders on Scenic. While we were out and about trying to visit with people, Elder Ellsworth had to go to the bathroom. We thought that a certain member wasn't going to be home to let Elder Ellsworth use the bathroom but they were home! We also found out that there are records of three different people at their home haha but the members told us that they don't want to be found by the church so we can respect that. After the bathroom break, we grabbed service clothes and hustled over to the Sta***'s for our lesson with Jay. Well 15 minutes after the lesson was supposed to start, Jay P. said he lost a key and couldn't make it so Brother Sta*** took us to the Pea***'s and we helped Brother Pea*** move rocks from a garden around the house that they were renting. We had dinner out at the Hage***'s and because of the meal and the lesson we thought we had time to go out and try to see people in the boonies. However, we were running out of time before correlation but we were able to get a ride from Brother Wil*** to correlation. We had a great correlation meeting to end the night.
Friday we had a shortened district meeting because we had a mini ZTM but it worked out well! Everything happened the way I tried to have it go and we had some good from Sister Lawrence. Elder Ellsworth and I had to bail and head over to the Sta*** home for our lesson with Jay P. It was a solid lesson! We talked about the Book of Mormon and it really it home so that was super sweet! We headed over to Mike's house afterwards and had a solid lesson with him as well! We finally found a way to have him read scriptures with us. We just make the font on the iPad REALLY big so he can read with us! We biked back over to the apartment and we did service for the Hage***'s. We mowed their lawn and took care of the blackberry vines overtaking their trees. We got adjusted by Brother Kel*** afterwards and then we had dinner with the Pea***'s and another couple in the ward that I can't spell their name haha! We had another lesson with the Cole***'s and I was so tired that I was struggling to stay awake haha! But I persevered and got through it!
Saturday we had Calvary temple food pantry and it was super good! There was a ton of people that needed food so we were there for a little while. We tried seeing some people before heading out to Kalamath Falls with Brother Hea*** for a baptism of a woman who Elder Ellsworth taught. That took up the whole day basically! It was long but good and Brother Hea*** shared a lot of thoughts about missionary work!
Sunday we had Sacrament meeting in the morning and we had no investigators show up so that was a bummer. The only real highlight was that we had a great lesson with Brad, an investigator who hasn't really been progressing. We had a great Restoration lesson and we think the Spirit sparked something within him so hopefully we can get him started down the path towards baptism.
Well that is all I had to share! I love you all so much! Thank you for all the support and all that you do for me!
Love ya!
Elder Tonini
“Do your duty, that is best. Leave unto the Lord the rest.”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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