Hey everyone!
This was a pretty fun week. Thankfully, no one wrecked their bikes so that was good!
Monday was transfer Monday and like I mentioned last week, I am staying in Springfield 3rd Ward with Elder Bowers! We are in a car share now so we spent the day with the 1st Ward Elders. The zone leaders called us and asked if we could come in and get some luggage from the transfer spot so we drove in and filled our car to the brim with stuff! I also got to see Elder Taito before he left to go home so that was pretty awesome! We got back and unloaded our car just in time to get to dinner. We spent our night trying to contact people but we weren't really successful.
Tuesday was exciting. We started off our morning with our phone being blown up by the AP's and President Russell asking us where the zone leaders were! We ended up doing a mini manhunt for them but it turns out that their phone was left in the car... So that was fun. We went to McDonald's and we ended up teaching a man named Raymond for almost an hour and a half about the Plan of Salvation. It was a super cool experience. We had a lesson with Robert Whi*** and it went ok. We were actually able to get a message across to him so that was good. We did the Christlike attribute activity found in Preach My Gospel and it gives us something to teach him. That was pretty much our day.
Wednesday we didn't have a whole lot happen. The highlight from Wednesday was we got to take out two of the newest missionaries in the OEM! Unfortunately, by the time we got back to our area, we only had 5 minutes so we had them bear their testimony to a less active we are working with before taking back into Eugene. When we got back, my head was pounding so hard I couldn't even think straight so I went to be early!
Thursday we drove all the way into Eugene again, this time to welcome the new missionaries into the mission. We sang a song for them (EFY Medley) and then we unloaded the new missionaries luggage into the church building. By the time we got all that done and got back into Springfield and did our weekly planning, it was almost time for dinner! We had dinner with the Perk*** and they had their non-member neighbors there as well! We shared with them a little bit about what we believe and while Rod is very scientific minded at this time, his wife Kathy seems pretty open! We are looking forward to being able to work with them! We then drove over to David and Leighanne's house and we had a heart to heart with them. We asked them why they thought we invited them to come to church and we had a good discussion about that. We were able to squeeze a commitment out of them to come to church.
Friday we drove back into Eugene ONCE again for a specialized training. It was super good and I learned a lot from it. We talked about obedience and listening to the Holy Ghost so I enjoyed it a lot. I helped the zone leaders with new DL training before our lesson with Robert Whi***. We talked about diligence and we struggled with keeping his attention. We tried contacting people until our lesson with Dwayne and Traci. We went over the Restoration and it went pretty well. Elder Bowers blood sugar levels were wacky though so that made it fun haha! Dwayne is super solid, we just got to get him to come to church.
Saturday we had new missionary training at the church and then we helped the zone leaders with some of their zone leader responsibilities before going back and taking lunch. We were excited to be able to have a Saturday where the Ducks weren't playing so we geared up to go tracting all afternoon but we ended up talking to this lady named Bonnie for almost an hour! We had a good talk with her and we left her with a Plan of Salvation pamphlet. We had an awesome dinner but it went a little long and by the time we got to the Half***'s they were getting ready for bed! It was a fun night haha!
Sunday was a day of miracles! David and Leighanne actually came to church! It was so awesome! They even stayed for second hour because our ward mission leader's kid grabbed Chandler by the vest and took him to nursery! After church I had stake correlation to attend and then we spent our night doing training!
I love you all! Have a good week y'all!
Elder Tonini
Monday, October 26, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
The One where Dwayne Goes on Date for Baptism!
Hey everyone!
This was a good week for me and Elder Bowers!
On Monday, we had a zone activity where we hiked up to Spencer's Butte in Eugene. It was a super fun hike. We had a pizza party and then we emailed to finish out P-Day. We stopped by a less active's home and tried to contact some other people but that didn't work out very well.
On Tuesday we had a lesson with Brother Whi*** and it was an interesting one. He had a couple of questions so we were prepped for those. When we got into the lesson though, it turned into somewhat of a cry fest. He was feeling pretty down and felt like he didn't have the love that he needed. He grew up in a place where he had to be hard and he felt like he was still being hard. We talked to him and taught him about the power of Christ's love and the power of the Atonement. It was a long lesson but it was good for him. We missed splits because of an appointment so we did training to end the night.
On Wednesday, we headed out to the Salg***'s for lunch. We had an extra Elder who came up from Klamath Falls so that made it a party! After lunch, we were going to walk to the bike store so Elder Bowers could get the things he needed for his bike but Marcus took all of us there! Elder Bowers got a light for his bike and new pedals. We caught the bus back and while we were waiting for the bus, a guy walked up to us and right off the bat we knew something was wrong. He started acting aggressive to us and throwing expletives at us and then would be pleasant again. It felt like forever but the bus finally got there and he got off before we did. We later found it he is an inactive member... Weird. We decided to go contact Jaydaquin but he was cleaning so we tried visiting some potentials in the area. On the way back from one, Elder Bowers felt as though we needed to cut through the park and there we talked to a guy named Shawn. He has very little knowledge about Jesus Christ and when he saw us, he felt like he needed to talk to us. We taught him a little bit about Jesus Christ and we left him with a Book of Mormon and a Plan of Salvation pamphlet. It was a super cool OYM! We got back to our apartment to grab the bikes and that's when our night almost took a turn for the worst. Elder Bowers was turning onto Main St when his chain popped off and his bike slid out from underneath him and he ate pavement. Luckily, the cars behind him were able to stop and he got out without a scratch. We visited with the Half***'s before going over to David and Leighanne's to share a message with them.
On Thursday we did weekly planning and training before heading out for the day. Well, we tried. I go to pump up my tires and I discover that the stem had ripped off the inner-tube. So we got a ride from Brother Half*** and we picked up a new one. By the time we were out and about, we only had time to visit with Jaydaquin and share a message about Jesus Christ with him before dinner. We stopped by Tim and Courtney's to see if they read the pamphlet that we left them. Unfortunately they didn't so we watched a video that was a brief overview of the Plan of Salvation and recommitted them to read it.
On Friday we had the last district meeting of the transfer. It was super good! We talked about planning and making sure that we set goals before we do our planning! After lunch we had another lesson with Robert about love before going to Chinese buffet with a member in the ward and his family! We talked about his mission and he has some awesome stories haha! We had a lesson with Dwayne and Traci and it went super well! We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Dwayne accepted an invitation to be baptized on December 12th! I hope that he will follow through on that!
Nothing much happened over the weekend. We had transfer calls (we are staying together for one more at least) and then we had the Harvest Festival/Chili Cook-off. Sunday was good but we didn't have any investigators come... We need to find more people to teach!
I love you all! Thank you for all your prayers and your love! Keep on being kingdom builders!
Elder Tonini
Oregon Eugene Mission
"Days Never to Be Forgotten"
This was a good week for me and Elder Bowers!
On Monday, we had a zone activity where we hiked up to Spencer's Butte in Eugene. It was a super fun hike. We had a pizza party and then we emailed to finish out P-Day. We stopped by a less active's home and tried to contact some other people but that didn't work out very well.
On Tuesday we had a lesson with Brother Whi*** and it was an interesting one. He had a couple of questions so we were prepped for those. When we got into the lesson though, it turned into somewhat of a cry fest. He was feeling pretty down and felt like he didn't have the love that he needed. He grew up in a place where he had to be hard and he felt like he was still being hard. We talked to him and taught him about the power of Christ's love and the power of the Atonement. It was a long lesson but it was good for him. We missed splits because of an appointment so we did training to end the night.
On Wednesday, we headed out to the Salg***'s for lunch. We had an extra Elder who came up from Klamath Falls so that made it a party! After lunch, we were going to walk to the bike store so Elder Bowers could get the things he needed for his bike but Marcus took all of us there! Elder Bowers got a light for his bike and new pedals. We caught the bus back and while we were waiting for the bus, a guy walked up to us and right off the bat we knew something was wrong. He started acting aggressive to us and throwing expletives at us and then would be pleasant again. It felt like forever but the bus finally got there and he got off before we did. We later found it he is an inactive member... Weird. We decided to go contact Jaydaquin but he was cleaning so we tried visiting some potentials in the area. On the way back from one, Elder Bowers felt as though we needed to cut through the park and there we talked to a guy named Shawn. He has very little knowledge about Jesus Christ and when he saw us, he felt like he needed to talk to us. We taught him a little bit about Jesus Christ and we left him with a Book of Mormon and a Plan of Salvation pamphlet. It was a super cool OYM! We got back to our apartment to grab the bikes and that's when our night almost took a turn for the worst. Elder Bowers was turning onto Main St when his chain popped off and his bike slid out from underneath him and he ate pavement. Luckily, the cars behind him were able to stop and he got out without a scratch. We visited with the Half***'s before going over to David and Leighanne's to share a message with them.
On Thursday we did weekly planning and training before heading out for the day. Well, we tried. I go to pump up my tires and I discover that the stem had ripped off the inner-tube. So we got a ride from Brother Half*** and we picked up a new one. By the time we were out and about, we only had time to visit with Jaydaquin and share a message about Jesus Christ with him before dinner. We stopped by Tim and Courtney's to see if they read the pamphlet that we left them. Unfortunately they didn't so we watched a video that was a brief overview of the Plan of Salvation and recommitted them to read it.
On Friday we had the last district meeting of the transfer. It was super good! We talked about planning and making sure that we set goals before we do our planning! After lunch we had another lesson with Robert about love before going to Chinese buffet with a member in the ward and his family! We talked about his mission and he has some awesome stories haha! We had a lesson with Dwayne and Traci and it went super well! We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Dwayne accepted an invitation to be baptized on December 12th! I hope that he will follow through on that!
Nothing much happened over the weekend. We had transfer calls (we are staying together for one more at least) and then we had the Harvest Festival/Chili Cook-off. Sunday was good but we didn't have any investigators come... We need to find more people to teach!
I love you all! Thank you for all your prayers and your love! Keep on being kingdom builders!
Elder Tonini
Oregon Eugene Mission
"Days Never to Be Forgotten"
Springfield, OR
Monday, October 12, 2015
Hiking Spencer's Butte!
Spencer Butte is a prominent landmark in Lane County, Oregon, United States, on the southern edge of Eugene, with an elevation of 2,058 feet. Spencer Butte is accessible from Spencer Butte Park and has several hiking trails to the summit. Wikipedia
Did You Know That Eugene Is Ranked As The Least Religious City In The US?
Hey everyone!
So this was a good week for us! We were able to teach quite a bit so that's awesome!
Monday was P-Day. We weren't able to get much done in the evening because Elder Bower's bike conked out on us.
Tuesday the district leaders were invited to go to MLC so that's where I was! All of MLC was about finding and some new things were introduced during this MLC. I really learned a lot about how I could be a better finder! By the time it was over, it was time for dinner though haha! We headed over to the church to go on splits and our ward mission leader came out with us. We went out and attempted to contact a recent convert who was engaged to a member in the ward. He wasn't at the members home but we talked to her mom and her non-member boyfriend. We had a super good conversation but the boyfriend is going to be interesting to work with!
Wednesday the 4th Ward Elders took us over to the church for a correlation meeting for ZTM. Afterwards, we went over to the Salg***'s for lunch and we were able to provide some service for them. In their convenience store, they don't have any shelves for their number one selling item; alcohol. So, Elder Perrine and I helped Marcus put together a set of shelves to make it easier to move it all and Elder Bowers and Elder Strech went and did missionary work! We watched a talk from General Conference with Marcus and Monica before heading back to our place to do training. We then had a lesson with Brother Whi*** and we talked about the importance of controlling our thoughts and the things we say. We really cracked down on that with him because sometimes the things he says detracts from the Spirit and we have been working hard to help him understand the importance of the Spirit. The zone leaders took us over to the Half***'s for dinner and afterwards we read scriptures with Brother Half***. He took us back to our apartment and we got out bikes to go see David and Leighanne. We shared the talk about ponderizing the scriptures and invited them to do that. The thought had come to us to share that scripture because they are lacking in their spiritual progression and if we could get them to do that, that would be the jumpstart they needed.
Thursday morning was spent in planning for zone training meeting and doing weekly planning. We pretty much spent all day trying to find people but we didn't have success. We had a weird experience that afternoon while trying to find people before dinner. We biked over to a certain street and when we got there, we just didn't feel right but we didn't feel any impressions to go anywhere else... So we just tried to contact the people we had in our areabook before taking dinner. We had a funny experience right before our lesson with Tim and Courtney. We knocked on an inactive's door and a lady started talking to us... through her bathroom window. He wasn't home so we started heading over to Tim and Courtney's apartment complex and as we were walking, a girl yelled out "I love you guys!". That was a nice change compare to most of the nonsense that we get haha! We then tried to contact a potential but his grandmother said he wasn't home. She then asked us how we knew her grandson and we told her that he had talked to missionaries in the past and she told us that he said he was always confused when we came by because he hadn't talked to the Elders ever; he had only talked to the Sister missionaries! We then went to Tim and Courtney's place and as the conversation went on, we started talking about the Roseburg shooting. That lead to a conversation about why bad things happen to good people and we shared a little bit about the Plan of Salvation. It was a super good lesson but they got distracted at the end because of their cat... The 4th Ward Elders picked us up and we finalized our plans for ZTM before calling it a night.
Friday morning we had training and then we dove into ZTM! It was a super good ZTM! Me and Elder Eldridge did a super good job of teaching about teaching when we find people. There was a statistic that we shared that shows that while Provo/Orem are the most religious cities based on church attendance and members living what is taught, Eugene, Oregon is tied with Boulder, Colorado for being the least religious cities! Fun stuff haha! After ZTM, we exchanged with 1st Ward and Elder Huntsman came into my area. After lunch we headed out to go teach Brother Whi***. On the way to the church, we OYM'd a guy named Jesse and he seems pretty interested. We watched Elder Christofferson's talk with Brother Whi*** before taking dinner. We went contacting before our lesson with Traci and Dwayne. It went super well! Dwayne didn't do the reading because of his sight so we read Alma 40 with them. We had a discussion about how Jesus Christ is the only way back to live with our Heavenly Father and we asked him to be baptized when he came to know that the things we were teaching him were true. Without hesitating, he said yes! He just needs to start coming to church and he is golden!
Saturday morning we went to the church to do an iPad check before trying to see Jesse. He turned out not to be home so we went back to the apartment and waited for our companions to show up. After that, we contacted people until about 3 and went home to do training when the Duck game started and also to take dinner right after. Right as we got home, it started pouring buckets! Luckily it was over by the time we finished everything up! Other than that, we just tried contacting people all night!
Sunday we had church, lunch, and then we went out and tried contacting people! We ended up helping a lady move some groceries into her home and we left her with a picture of Christ and our number. We visited Brother Half*** on a hunch and it turned out he need some support! He took us to dinner and afterwards we did training to end the night.
That's all I got! Thanks for all you do for me! I know that this church is true!
Elder Tonini
Oregon Eugene Mission
"Days Never to Be Forgotten"
So this was a good week for us! We were able to teach quite a bit so that's awesome!
Monday was P-Day. We weren't able to get much done in the evening because Elder Bower's bike conked out on us.
Tuesday the district leaders were invited to go to MLC so that's where I was! All of MLC was about finding and some new things were introduced during this MLC. I really learned a lot about how I could be a better finder! By the time it was over, it was time for dinner though haha! We headed over to the church to go on splits and our ward mission leader came out with us. We went out and attempted to contact a recent convert who was engaged to a member in the ward. He wasn't at the members home but we talked to her mom and her non-member boyfriend. We had a super good conversation but the boyfriend is going to be interesting to work with!
Wednesday the 4th Ward Elders took us over to the church for a correlation meeting for ZTM. Afterwards, we went over to the Salg***'s for lunch and we were able to provide some service for them. In their convenience store, they don't have any shelves for their number one selling item; alcohol. So, Elder Perrine and I helped Marcus put together a set of shelves to make it easier to move it all and Elder Bowers and Elder Strech went and did missionary work! We watched a talk from General Conference with Marcus and Monica before heading back to our place to do training. We then had a lesson with Brother Whi*** and we talked about the importance of controlling our thoughts and the things we say. We really cracked down on that with him because sometimes the things he says detracts from the Spirit and we have been working hard to help him understand the importance of the Spirit. The zone leaders took us over to the Half***'s for dinner and afterwards we read scriptures with Brother Half***. He took us back to our apartment and we got out bikes to go see David and Leighanne. We shared the talk about ponderizing the scriptures and invited them to do that. The thought had come to us to share that scripture because they are lacking in their spiritual progression and if we could get them to do that, that would be the jumpstart they needed.
Thursday morning was spent in planning for zone training meeting and doing weekly planning. We pretty much spent all day trying to find people but we didn't have success. We had a weird experience that afternoon while trying to find people before dinner. We biked over to a certain street and when we got there, we just didn't feel right but we didn't feel any impressions to go anywhere else... So we just tried to contact the people we had in our areabook before taking dinner. We had a funny experience right before our lesson with Tim and Courtney. We knocked on an inactive's door and a lady started talking to us... through her bathroom window. He wasn't home so we started heading over to Tim and Courtney's apartment complex and as we were walking, a girl yelled out "I love you guys!". That was a nice change compare to most of the nonsense that we get haha! We then tried to contact a potential but his grandmother said he wasn't home. She then asked us how we knew her grandson and we told her that he had talked to missionaries in the past and she told us that he said he was always confused when we came by because he hadn't talked to the Elders ever; he had only talked to the Sister missionaries! We then went to Tim and Courtney's place and as the conversation went on, we started talking about the Roseburg shooting. That lead to a conversation about why bad things happen to good people and we shared a little bit about the Plan of Salvation. It was a super good lesson but they got distracted at the end because of their cat... The 4th Ward Elders picked us up and we finalized our plans for ZTM before calling it a night.
Friday morning we had training and then we dove into ZTM! It was a super good ZTM! Me and Elder Eldridge did a super good job of teaching about teaching when we find people. There was a statistic that we shared that shows that while Provo/Orem are the most religious cities based on church attendance and members living what is taught, Eugene, Oregon is tied with Boulder, Colorado for being the least religious cities! Fun stuff haha! After ZTM, we exchanged with 1st Ward and Elder Huntsman came into my area. After lunch we headed out to go teach Brother Whi***. On the way to the church, we OYM'd a guy named Jesse and he seems pretty interested. We watched Elder Christofferson's talk with Brother Whi*** before taking dinner. We went contacting before our lesson with Traci and Dwayne. It went super well! Dwayne didn't do the reading because of his sight so we read Alma 40 with them. We had a discussion about how Jesus Christ is the only way back to live with our Heavenly Father and we asked him to be baptized when he came to know that the things we were teaching him were true. Without hesitating, he said yes! He just needs to start coming to church and he is golden!
Saturday morning we went to the church to do an iPad check before trying to see Jesse. He turned out not to be home so we went back to the apartment and waited for our companions to show up. After that, we contacted people until about 3 and went home to do training when the Duck game started and also to take dinner right after. Right as we got home, it started pouring buckets! Luckily it was over by the time we finished everything up! Other than that, we just tried contacting people all night!
Sunday we had church, lunch, and then we went out and tried contacting people! We ended up helping a lady move some groceries into her home and we left her with a picture of Christ and our number. We visited Brother Half*** on a hunch and it turned out he need some support! He took us to dinner and afterwards we did training to end the night.
That's all I got! Thanks for all you do for me! I know that this church is true!
Elder Tonini
Oregon Eugene Mission
"Days Never to Be Forgotten"
Springfield, OR
Monday, October 5, 2015
Time Flies When You Hear The Prophets and Apostles Speak!
Hey everyone!
Yes, it is me. I'm still alive. Barely, but I'm still here. It was a decent week that ended with General Conference so that made it all the more awesome!
Monday was the normal P-Day festivities. We went into Eugene to do some shopping and I got a sweet Columbia rain jacket! We then got dressed in normal people clothing and headed off to Heyward Field for some football with the Eugene zone! It was super fun being able to hang out with some of my mission friends for a little bit! We got home and got redressed in our normal missionary attire and went to a pizza place with a member and his family for dinner. After dinner I just got super sick... I couldn't be away from the toilet for a long period of time so we ended up being home all night. It really stunk.
Tuesday morning I was feeling a lot better (thanks to the mess I had bought the night before) so we headed up to Brother Ud***'s with the ZL's for lunch and some service! He has another house that he rents out and the last renter just wrecked the place so we helped him out! I painted some closet shutter looking things while everyone else either painted or moved dirt around. By the time that we got finished with that, we had to go to the church for our lesson with Brother Wh***. He talked a ton like always but we were still able to share a message about General Conference. After dinner with the Dur***'s (Brother Dur*** served around Hobbs, New Mexico!), we went out and splits and the ward missionary that I went out with and I did work! We got in all the doors that we knocked on and got some lessons set up with a recent convert and an investigator that hasn't been taught in a long time! The investigator even accepted an invitation to watch General Conference with their member neighbors!
Wednesday morning we did some training before heading out to the Salg***'s for lunch with the zone leaders. The zone leaders were running out of miles for the month so I was planning on grabbing our bus passes so we could tract in that area before heading back towards the other side of our area. Well, guess who forgot the bus passes? Yup, me. So we ended up walking home and contacting people on the way back. We were able to OYM a lady smoking outside her house and talked to a guy leaning on a tree for about 20 minutes. It was super fun. We even ran into the zone leaders who were tracting as well and we ended up using Taco Bell for a pitstop. We went over to JaydaQuin's house but he was about to head out the door for football practice so we threw the ball with him and played a punting game! After dinner, we showed up for a lesson with Tim and Courtney and although they forgot, we were still able to share a message about eternal families with them. We then biked over to David and Leighanne's home and shared a message about prophets! We were able to commit them to watch conference with the Dixon's in the ward! We were having such a good conversation that we didn't get home until 9:45..... oops.
Thursday was crazy. We had heard that we were having interviews on Friday and so I was wondering when district meeting was going to be when the zone leaders called us and told us that district meeting was going to be that morning! It ended up being a pretty good district meeting and I got to use a basketball for part of it so that was pretty fun :) We grabbed lunch before going over to a recent convert named David and talking with him for a little bit. He's a super cool guy who has some health issues but that doesn't stop him from fulfilling his calling as an indexing worker! We rode the bus home afterwards and did weekly planning until dinner. We then had a lesson with a 12 year old recent convert. That was a super interesting lesson... He feels like God is interfering with his planning and that he is thinking about quitting the Church... He got baptized two months ago! And he is twelve! Anyways... I felt so frustrated during the lesson so we taught him about prayer and told him to pray and ask if he made the right decision and then afterwards Elder Bowers and I got DQ and updated our area book while eating Blizzards! It was a weird night. On top of that, we heard about the shooting that happened in Roseburg... Thankfully, no missionaries were there!
Friday morning we had interviews with President Russell. We had some specialized training about the Sabbath Day and also iPad usage. President Russell is cracking down hard on stating our purpose when we turn on the iPad because of something that happened that made President Russell's heart heavy with sadness... Sister Russell then went through our Area Book while President did interviews. By the time we were done and out of there, it was almost 1! After lunch, we tried to see JaydaQuin before Brother Wh*** but he wasn't home. We then taught Brother Wh*** about how the new apostles were going to be called and he really liked that. We had dinner at our place before going out and trying to contact people. We weren't doing it for very long before the zone leaders called us and asked to go with them to a blessing. By the time we got it taken care of, the night was over.
Saturday was General Conference! Elder Bowers and I didn't have anyone to watch it with so we watched it in the Relief Society room and we pulled in the comfy foyer chairs for it! I love what was said in those sessions! It was super cool being able to sustain the new apostles as well! I really enjoyed the talks:) The zone leaders picked us up and drove us to the stake center for the priesthood session. I don't have my notes so I can't exactly convey any thoughts that I had but I thoroughly enjoyed it! The members in our ward took us to Denny's afterwards! I wish I could've done our Sonic tradition though!
Sunday was awesome yet stunk. None of our investigators came so we just hung out with some of the members for the two sessions. I was really worried about President Monson during that morning session... I did love the idea of "ponderizing" :) I am doing it right now! We had dinner over at our ward mission leaders house and then we did training to end the night!
That's all I got! I love y'all! I know that the church is true! There is no doubt, especially after this weekend!
Love y'all!
Elder Tonini
Oregon Eugene Mission
"Days Never to Be Forgotten"
Yes, it is me. I'm still alive. Barely, but I'm still here. It was a decent week that ended with General Conference so that made it all the more awesome!
Monday was the normal P-Day festivities. We went into Eugene to do some shopping and I got a sweet Columbia rain jacket! We then got dressed in normal people clothing and headed off to Heyward Field for some football with the Eugene zone! It was super fun being able to hang out with some of my mission friends for a little bit! We got home and got redressed in our normal missionary attire and went to a pizza place with a member and his family for dinner. After dinner I just got super sick... I couldn't be away from the toilet for a long period of time so we ended up being home all night. It really stunk.
Tuesday morning I was feeling a lot better (thanks to the mess I had bought the night before) so we headed up to Brother Ud***'s with the ZL's for lunch and some service! He has another house that he rents out and the last renter just wrecked the place so we helped him out! I painted some closet shutter looking things while everyone else either painted or moved dirt around. By the time that we got finished with that, we had to go to the church for our lesson with Brother Wh***. He talked a ton like always but we were still able to share a message about General Conference. After dinner with the Dur***'s (Brother Dur*** served around Hobbs, New Mexico!), we went out and splits and the ward missionary that I went out with and I did work! We got in all the doors that we knocked on and got some lessons set up with a recent convert and an investigator that hasn't been taught in a long time! The investigator even accepted an invitation to watch General Conference with their member neighbors!
Wednesday morning we did some training before heading out to the Salg***'s for lunch with the zone leaders. The zone leaders were running out of miles for the month so I was planning on grabbing our bus passes so we could tract in that area before heading back towards the other side of our area. Well, guess who forgot the bus passes? Yup, me. So we ended up walking home and contacting people on the way back. We were able to OYM a lady smoking outside her house and talked to a guy leaning on a tree for about 20 minutes. It was super fun. We even ran into the zone leaders who were tracting as well and we ended up using Taco Bell for a pitstop. We went over to JaydaQuin's house but he was about to head out the door for football practice so we threw the ball with him and played a punting game! After dinner, we showed up for a lesson with Tim and Courtney and although they forgot, we were still able to share a message about eternal families with them. We then biked over to David and Leighanne's home and shared a message about prophets! We were able to commit them to watch conference with the Dixon's in the ward! We were having such a good conversation that we didn't get home until 9:45..... oops.
Thursday was crazy. We had heard that we were having interviews on Friday and so I was wondering when district meeting was going to be when the zone leaders called us and told us that district meeting was going to be that morning! It ended up being a pretty good district meeting and I got to use a basketball for part of it so that was pretty fun :) We grabbed lunch before going over to a recent convert named David and talking with him for a little bit. He's a super cool guy who has some health issues but that doesn't stop him from fulfilling his calling as an indexing worker! We rode the bus home afterwards and did weekly planning until dinner. We then had a lesson with a 12 year old recent convert. That was a super interesting lesson... He feels like God is interfering with his planning and that he is thinking about quitting the Church... He got baptized two months ago! And he is twelve! Anyways... I felt so frustrated during the lesson so we taught him about prayer and told him to pray and ask if he made the right decision and then afterwards Elder Bowers and I got DQ and updated our area book while eating Blizzards! It was a weird night. On top of that, we heard about the shooting that happened in Roseburg... Thankfully, no missionaries were there!
Friday morning we had interviews with President Russell. We had some specialized training about the Sabbath Day and also iPad usage. President Russell is cracking down hard on stating our purpose when we turn on the iPad because of something that happened that made President Russell's heart heavy with sadness... Sister Russell then went through our Area Book while President did interviews. By the time we were done and out of there, it was almost 1! After lunch, we tried to see JaydaQuin before Brother Wh*** but he wasn't home. We then taught Brother Wh*** about how the new apostles were going to be called and he really liked that. We had dinner at our place before going out and trying to contact people. We weren't doing it for very long before the zone leaders called us and asked to go with them to a blessing. By the time we got it taken care of, the night was over.
Saturday was General Conference! Elder Bowers and I didn't have anyone to watch it with so we watched it in the Relief Society room and we pulled in the comfy foyer chairs for it! I love what was said in those sessions! It was super cool being able to sustain the new apostles as well! I really enjoyed the talks:) The zone leaders picked us up and drove us to the stake center for the priesthood session. I don't have my notes so I can't exactly convey any thoughts that I had but I thoroughly enjoyed it! The members in our ward took us to Denny's afterwards! I wish I could've done our Sonic tradition though!
Sunday was awesome yet stunk. None of our investigators came so we just hung out with some of the members for the two sessions. I was really worried about President Monson during that morning session... I did love the idea of "ponderizing" :) I am doing it right now! We had dinner over at our ward mission leaders house and then we did training to end the night!
That's all I got! I love y'all! I know that the church is true! There is no doubt, especially after this weekend!
Love y'all!
Elder Tonini
Oregon Eugene Mission
"Days Never to Be Forgotten"
Springfield, OR
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