Holy cow it is already November!? Time is just flying by! It feels like yesterday I was in the MTC! Now I am approaching my six month mark fast!
Ready for my week? I hope so!
Monday after emailing we went to the Danebo stake center to play some jack o lantern kickball! It's like normal kickball, but you have to wear a pumpkin on your head. We lost though... I did have an awesome sliding catch though! :D we got a pizza party despite losing because we had the cleanest cars in the whole mission! The other Elders did an exchange with the 3rd ward Elders so we had Elder Fernilius for the night and the next day. We had an awesome time with the Fra*** at dinner! They are an awesome family:)
Tuesday we had a lesson with Charlotte. We decided to go over the restoration again by watching the first half of "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the restoration". She really enjoyed it. However, we found out she wasn't doing her scripture studies so we left her another chapter to read in the Book of Mormon. We tried to see some less active members but they weren't available so we took the other Elders back to Santa Clara to exchange back. The Book of Mormon class is struggling at the moment but we are trying to expand our horizons and get more people to it! We then exchanged with Elder Bassett and Elder Enman for the next day. Elder Bassett came with me to my area!
Wednesday morning we went to the church to do a Facebook post and meet up
with the Zone Leaders to give them a HDMI cable for their iPads. Unfortunately at some point in the morning, I lost one of my name tags! Oops! I'm glad I can just order another one from the mission office! Anyways, we decided to focus on the extensive potentials list we had so we took off walking. We were walking down Prairie Rd when an F-18 flew over us only a couple thousand feet above us! It happened twice! We got to talk to some people along the way but for the most part the address we had were either wrong or we just didn't try hard enough! We did meet a woman who looked like a Stephen Tyler look-a-like! That was interesting!
Thursday we had lesson set up right after weekly planning with a potential named Natasha but she went out of town unexpectedly so that didn't happen. The member we were with offered us turkey soup and we said yes. We headed up to Harrisburg to visit less actives before heading over to Gle***. After Gle*** and dinner we headed up to the church to help set up for the Fall Festival!
Friday was Halloween! Before we went to district meeting in the morning, we had to swing by Walmart to pick up some stuff for district meeting and we saw someone getting arrested in the parking lot! After district meeting, the district leaders organized a costume contest to see who could have the best costume for under 5 dollars. I was going to go for a tacky tourist kind of deal (socks with flip flops, button shirt, etc.) but I went with Asian Tourist and got second place! And then nothing really happened because it was Halloween. We went to the Fall Festival at 7 for a few minutes before leaving to go home (we had to be in at 7 but we got special permission from President Russell).
Saturday we helped Brother Thor*** clean the church along with a member family. After that we had lunch and were walking over to the church when we remembered that a sister in the ward told us on Friday that a sister who lives near us needed a blessing. So on our way to the church for a lesson, we stopped and gave a blessing to the sister. After we had done that, we were about to keep going on our journey to the church when an older gentleman stopped us. He asked "who is Jesus Christ" and my first thought was "man, this guy might try to bash with us!" We told him that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and he responded that he hears a lot of stories about the church and wanted to know. He also asked us how many wives we were going to have (only one!) and then told us that he respected what we did as missionaries and the devotion we give. So that was pretty neat!:) We met with Charlotte at the church to finish watching the Restoration movie. She had read the chapter we had given her so we talked about the movie and gave her another chapter to read. Later that day we went and helped Cami, a less active, break down her daughters bed and vanity for their move to Utah. We had basketball that evening with Roscoe!
Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. We had an interesting testimony meeting to say the least! Apparently, the harder I work determines how hot my wife will be and that drugs are bad and should be voted against in the upcoming election. We had a huge turn out for gospel principles! After correlation, we had a lesson with Margret and we shared a Mormon Message about the hope of Gods light. That video has become one of my personal favorites! We had planned to go with the other Elders to a lesson with Roscoe at 6 but they never told Roscoe the time that the member was going to pick him up! Oops! So we talked to the Goodmans for a little bit before Elder Cook and I headed to Brother Thor***'s to share a message with him.
That was my week! I love you all so much and thank you for all your prayers and your love! I know this gospel is true! And to end this email, I am going to use hashtags to honor my companion! If you don't know what hashtags are, ask Corina, Carson, or any other young adult/teen!
I love yall! Have an awesome week!
Elder Tonini
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